Database Design and Normalization
Database Design involves structuring a database to efficiently store and manage data according to user needs and performance goals, while Normalization is the process of organizing this data to reduce redundancy and dependency by dividing it into related tables and defining the relationships between them.
Question formats in this category:
Multiple Choice Question
Single Choice Question
True False Question
Number of questions:
Entry: 367
Regular: 386
Senior: 391
Category used in 4 profiles
Proficiency level: Entry
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Regular
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Senior
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Entry
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Regular
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Senior
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Entry
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Regular
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Senior
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Entry
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Regular
Category configuration:
Proficiency level: Senior
Category configuration:
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- Profiles related to Database Design and Normalization are also included
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